Posts in the ‘Oriental medicine’ Category

Stop the Cold NOW formula

Yin qiao san is a bigger formula than Yu ping feng san. I will discuss a bit about all of the herbs and  explain a little about how an herbal formula is created in Chinese medicine. This formula is used to treat Wind/Heat as most of the herbs are cooling. But any formula will have a

An herbal formula for Cold prevention

Fall and Winter are the seasons in which people think about getting the cold or flu. In Chinese medicine we call it a Wind/Cold or Wind/Heat invasion or EPI – external pathogen invasion. This formula is one that we start a lot of our patients on as kids go back to school. This formula is for

Make the ‘Cold’ less common

To treat the common cold With all the travel and running around you are doing these days it is so easy to pick up something. This is an easy recipe. If you are at a convention or meeing you can even ask a concierge at the hotel to have this sent up to your room.

Turmeric Golden Milk

A lot of people has been asking about this lately. The office shared this on the office website but I wanted you to see it here again. There is commercial preparation of turmeric -Meriva – that research shows to be much better absorbed than the natural ground option. It is more expensive than any other

The Essence of Metal

This video came to me on my Facebook page the other day. It really spoke to me. This is a time of loss and grief for everyone. We can’t not be affected by recent events. The Metal Element which involves the Lungs and Large Intestine is about – living your values. Appreciating what you have,

Acupressure for fall and winter

The body is covered with acupressure (acupuncture) points. If you aren’t putting a needle in a point it becomes an acupressure point. You can use the tip of your finger, your nail, a knuckle, the finger pad, your fist. Depending on the site and what you are trying to accomplish there are many ways to

Eat to the Season

Eat to the season Here’s a recipe that fits the bill in the Fall. The color of Fall relates to the Element to which it is connected – Metal – and this is white.  So I gathered up a bunch of white food which will make a great dish. This is the first of Fall

The Organs of Autumn – part 2

Well now we get to talk about the ‘Letting Go’ organ – Large Intestine. When we talk about letting go we are not only talking about removing waste from our physical bod y but also the toxic stuff that has collected in our spirits and mind. Not everyone is blessed with a happy-go-lucky childhood. There

The Organs of Fall – part 1

No I’m not talking about the old pipe organ in the skating rink or the Wurlitzer you may have had in your living room. In Chinese medicine we are connected in body, mind and spirit to everything. The season we are connected to right now is Fall or Autumn. You can feel the impact of

In celebration of Autumn

“To everything there is a season….” We are deep into autumn now. In Chinese medicine this is the season of letting go.  Most of the brilliant leaves have fallen off the trees. Even in the Northwest things are starting to look a bit barren. What was a bright splash of their last glory is now

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