Wellness Classes
Thanks for checking out this page. Over the course of 2014 I will be designing and offering classes that will help you develop a closer connection to the seasons. We can live healthier being connected to them and living within their natural “boundaries”. Western society has managed to move us farther away from our connection to nature and we have lost our understanding of our place within it.
Living in closer connection means understanding the organ system that is dominant and how we can support it. It also includes eating proper foods and exercising in a manner that supports us rather than wearing us down. We get stuck in our rat race and don’t understand that some of these behaviors may not be as healthy as we might prefer.
Please click on the box below for class descriptions and registration information.
Spring is the season of the Liver. This is the big qi mover. As you have probably noticed we and our animals get “spring fever” and want to get moving. Let’s clean the house and then leave it for more activity outdoors.
[button buttonsize=”small” buttonstyle=”aqua” buttonlink=”https://raindragonwellness.com/spring-love-your-liver/”]Read More[/button]
[button buttonsize=”small” buttonstyle=”aqua” buttonlink=”https://raindragonwellness.com/home/acupuncture/”]Read More[/button]
[button buttonsize=”small” buttonstyle=”aqua” buttonlink=”https://raindragonwellness.com/home/chinese-herbs/”]Read More[/button]
[button buttonsize=”small” buttonstyle=”aqua” buttonlink=”http://wp.me/P3DQKA-5J”]Read More[/button]