The Essence of Metal
This video came to me on my Facebook page the other day. It really spoke to me.
This is a time of loss and grief for everyone. We can’t not be affected by recent events.
The Metal Element which involves the Lungs and Large Intestine is about – living your values. Appreciating what you have, allowing grief to flow when there is loss. Grief must happen to keep us whole and in balance. But we cannot remain mired in it or remain a victim of circumstances. There is much learning in loss and the grief process. It can make us stronger. As we allow the tears to flow we breathe in deeply, become ‘inspired’, motivated to carry on. We re-ground, anchor ourselves and become steadfast in our values as the non-essential is released in the tears. Focus on breathing, slow and steady. Don’t be carried away by the enormity of the experience. Look inside and let yourself let go and reemerge whole and stronger.