Spring into New Options

Spring is upon us. We mostly made it through winter. Some are still experiencing those last minute surprise snow storms and chillier weather but it is still moving towards us.

This is the season when we get out of our houses if we aren’t into the cold and rain activities. We want to get moving again. It is the natural order of things. Plants, bulbs, flowers come up and out for the ground. The days get longer. We reset our clocks to take advantage of the longer hours in the evening. (I personally prefer these hours, even if they aren’t the natural state.) Spring cleaning happens to open the home to the moving energy again and clear out that which has collected and gotten stagnant during our “cave” experience the last few months.

Clearing the cupboards, closets, carpets, etc is a great way to get the energy going. When you get rid of the stale and that which you don’t need you have room to bring in the fresh and new and allow for new growth. Let’s get rid of the blocks, obstacles from getting our ‘things’ done.

This is the season that the Wood element is dominant. The organs are Liver and Gall Bladder. The Liver is a great orchestrator, gets things organized and moving. When you are planning a party you want a great organizer. She sees the details and leaves nothing undone. The Gall Bladder comes along and helps to actually get it done. Do you know anyone that can plan all sorts of things but just can’t seem to finish anything?

This stagnation, not being able to achieve our dreams, keep moving forward can come from outside obstacles in our lives or obstacles inside ourselves. Are you clear where is the sabotage coming from? If we don’t control the stagnation we will literally blow everything up in the process of getting our plans fulfilled (Liver)  or grab and break down, wear down the opposition until you feel powerful and in control again (Gall Bladder).

We have to have dreams and goals but we need to have these while remaining cognizant that we are not the only people in the world. The world was not created for our satisfaction and entertainment. We are not the center of the universe. We have to make room for others. We need to share. As there are more and more people on the planet this gets to be a bigger and bigger challenge. We need to acknowledge and accept that we have this fire that builds up in us and find healthy outlets for it. It’s great to have this fire to right the wrongs or do amazing, positive changes in a wounded society. We are at at point where we need to understand that we are not powerless when we share the power.

To right the wrongs does not mean to be shoot, kill everyone who disagrees with you. There is way too much of that going on. It seems that we are getting to accept that that is the way things should be done. It’s OK to admit that you would like to rip someone’s face off or blow something up but it just can’t be done. We can choose to control the extreme here. When someone out to get you, you need to understand that they are coming from a place of extreme fear, even paranoia and powerlessness. What makes them feel that way? What factors make them think and act in ways that are so extreme so that they can feel powerful again? In turn, when we see them coming, what do we want to do to stop them in their tracks? War comes to mind but we’ve done that too many times and it hasn’t worked.

Remember that here is more than one way. It is the old thinking, weighty habits that often get in our way. We need to evolve in our thinking, grow in options for handling the stagnations, blockages, pain that come into our lives. Look to each other for understanding and support instead of undermining and annihilating opposing thought. Organize another way to deal with not getting only our way so we all get our way, all have self respect and self-esteem and have our personal power intact.

Create a new plan, goal. Strive to be peaceful, tolerant, patient. To understand that these strategies are not signs of weakness is a great challenge for us. Use this vibrant Spring energy to start you on another path, fine new insight and strength.

The Organs of Autumn – part 2

Well now we get to talk about the ‘Letting Go’ organ – Large Intestine. When we talk about letting go we are not only talking about removing waste from our physical bod

transparente organe mit markiertem dickdarmy but also the toxic stuff that has collected in our spirits and mind.

Not everyone is blessed with a happy-go-lucky childhood. There can be many ugly memories of abuse or abandonment. Maybe there wasn’t always a roof to sleep under or food on the table. Even having a teacher from hell is quite disturbing for a young person to deal with. How many times were you dumped by someone special or rejected before you even got off the ground.

These experiences all leave toxic waste in us and can immobilize us for years or our entire life.

Fortunately you have the Large Intestine to help you with this. It comes to our aide after the Lungs have taken in clear qi and moves the garbage out. Now we are on the road to healing.

This is a great time for you to take an internal inventory of all the things you have been carrying around in your head – I’m no good, he/she is no good, old resentments, jealousies. These are often long standing issues you just can’t let go of or they may be relatively new. What principles were you brought up with that no longer serve you?

This is a tough season and tough organ to deal with. We don’t want to go in the cave and look at all the bad things we’ve been hauling around forever. What happens if we actually get rid of it? Who are we then? Our personal story will change, excuses will be gone. You may grieve the loss of these ideas, traditions, patterns. However, if they are no longer healthy or useful it is wise to take them out our your backpack.

Be patient with yourself.  You don’t have to have a huge purge in one day. No one is very capable of surviving that kind of experience. Take it is small steps. Continue to review issues over and over. When you stop feeling the ‘hit’ in your guts as you review each one you have probably let go of it and can move on. Sometimes this takes years – but it took years for you to get here and you will keep going. Just don’t put a cork in it.

When qi gets stuck we experience pain and discomfort or dis-ease. Use the Lungs bringing clear qi with the breath to move the qi. Allow the process to do what is knows how to do. Our egos often throw everything out of balance and we are striving for balance. Nature always wants balance.

So… just let go of non-essentials and search for your deepest values.

In celebration of Autumn

“To everything there is a season….” We are deep into autumn now. In Chinese medicine this is the season of letting go.  Most of the brilliant leaves have fallen off the trees. Even in the Northwest things are starting to look a bit barren. What was a bright splash of their last glory is now naked tree limbs or plants withdrawing into the ground.

Just like the trees and plants letting go of their leaves and no longer needed parts and energy we must take a look at what we no longer need. What does not provide us with strength, helps up fulfill our purpose or drains us although we don’t want to accept that?

Each season or phase of life has an emotion. In the Fall the emotion is Grief. We may feel a sense of loss at this time of year. Think of how you may be more dowFall woods Camassia webn, depressed as the days grow shorter. We don’t want to stay inside, we want to be energized by the sun. We grieve the loss of daylight, activity and, perhaps, the moving away of people we enjoy and love.

In this season we are drawn towards introspection. Daily there is as onslaught of negativity directed at our bodies and minds.  This needs to be cleaned out – let go of the garbage. There’s more of it than you think. We live in a materialistic society, though you may try to not actively participate on a large scale. It still has influence over how you think and behave.

Now take time to look inside yourself. What would be best to release? How were you raised and what influences are there that you could let go of? Are you living your agenda or someone else’s agenda for you?

As you prepare to move deeper into your cave for the winter it is always wise to clean it out first. Explore all the ’things’ you have gathered this spring and summer. How much fun were they? Do you need to keep them? It has been fun having it around but does it really serve the same purpose? What is that purpose? Perhaps this is the time to let go in gratitude, and keep all the wonderful memories they bring. Let someone else experience the joy you felt having this item. Question it all.

If you are afraid you will offend someone by saying good-bye or spending less time with them understand that this is the season for less activity. More time for looking inward, being quieter. Talk with them and dive into what they value and discuss how it may not support you and your values any longer.

Metal is about value and purpose. Are you strong in yours? Take this time to celebrate what is great about you. Flaunt it a bit. Bring some light and bling into your life and these dark days. Remind  yourself of your uniqueness and be grateful for it. Accept praise and let it nourish you.

Fall is the time to strengthen your Metal. Bring in inspiration and let go of the unneeded.

Activities Fall woods 2 Camassia webto nourish your Metal:

Clean your desk, dining room table or a closet

Make a list of your strengths. Look at it and breathe in gratitude for what you can do and what you have accomplished. Let go of your self-sabotage.

Be grateful for all you have, what you have had and all you are.

Find time for quiet and meditate on all this.

Enjoy this season. Know that you are not alone in the challenges it brings. Keep your best assets – friends, treasures – near for support as you let go.