Turmeric Golden Milk

A lot of people has been asking about this lately.
The office shared this on the office website but I wanted you to see it here again.
There is commercial preparation of turmeric -Meriva – that research shows to be much better absorbed than the natural ground option. It is more expensive than any other curcumin supplement but you get more out of it. However, many people don’t want to rely on any commercial assistance if they can avoid it when it comes to using herbs and natural supplement.

I found a great video for you to watch also so you can see what it looks like.
It is an herb that we are starting to take and explore it benefits so I can only share what I have read.
Wear an apron as it can stain if there are any splashes.  Turmeric-powder


1/4 c ground turmeric
1/4 – 1/2 c water – good, clean, not chlorinated

Put these in a pot on the stove and cook for 7-9 minutes. You may need to add more water

Cook to into a nice smooth paste like frosting.
Let it cool before putting in the refrigerator.
It will keep 2-3 weeks but no more.

To Drink:

Mix 1/4 tsp of the paste into 8 oz milk
Add 1 tsp raw almond oil
You may want to add a small amount of ginger and /or black pepper to help it be absorbed more completely.