Spring Love your Liver

To all of you who are successfully continuing on your New Year’s resolution to lose weight, exercise more let me say Congratulations!
To all those who didn’t make that resolution but know that might really be a good idea – Congratulations. At least you are thinking about it.

I would like to offer some additional support for all of you.

Believe it or not spring is coming. You may have noticed there is still a bit of light after 5PM. Yeah! But with the weather we have had lately it has been pretty wintry.

OK. So why am I saying all this? Even though it is still very much winter and you need to eat warm and dress warm we need to prepare for spring. Oriental medicine ties our health, eating and activities to nature and the flow of the seasons.

This year – 2015 I am doing an Ayurvedic cleanse. If you would like to participate please visit with my friends at www.yogawisdomandwellness.com

They have a great plan and are there to assist you. It is not expensive and easy to do. You have a lot of support from everyone doing the cleanse and you will get lots of ideas for good health you will probably want to continue forever.

Please check them out.