Make the ‘Cold’ less common

To treat the common cold

With all the travel and running around you are doing these days it is so easy to pick up something.

This is an easy recipe. If you are at a convention or meeing you can even ask a concierge at the hotel to have this sent up to your room. I is a staple in my house once school starts.

Ginger with Scallions is actually an ancient Chinese herbal remedy for colds. In 300 AD famous herbalist, Ge Hong, writes, Bei ji zhou hou fang or Emergency Formulas to Keep Up One’s Sleeve. You can also add miso and create a soup. The tea/soup is indicated for the onset of a cold when a person is just beginning to feel a headache, stuffy nose, scratchy throat, aches and a slight fever with chills.   Drink a cup or two of hot tea or soup and wrap up in a warm blanket!

I gave this to my nephew a number of years back. He was traveling across the country on his motorcycle in early Fall and pulled into our house chilled, achy and tired.

I actually didn’t have any green onions and had to go get some. For some reason they were hard to find and I spoke with more than one vegetable manager about keeping them in stock, particularly in the Fall. One of them surprised me when I chastised him for not having any. He said ” Is this some sort of natural healing thing?” (Not bad.) I said ‘yes’. I haven’t had any problem finding ginger or green onions at any time of year since.

Anyway, I poured this tea into him and wrapped him up. He slept well and felt great in the morning. He left with a means to prevent this from occurring again anywhere along his trip back home. I also gave him a scarf – another essential he was lacking. Have to keep your neck and chest warm in the cold and wind.

So, the next time you feel a cgreen onionsold coming on, be sure to have your ginger and green onion tea.   Miso is available at your local Asian market or health food store.

 How to make:                                     ginger (1)

4-6 cups water

3-4   1/8 in slices of ginger, chopped fine  (1 Tbl)

The white part of 4-5 green onions, depending on size (3 Tbl)


Bring water to a boil in a saucepan and add the ginger & scallions. Simmer covered for a few minutes.  It will start to smell very good. Remove from heat. Drink at comfortable temperature. It will bring on a mild sweat, which you want. Be sure to stay wrapped up. Continue to refill pan and heat water. Drink a cup every hour or so throughout the day. When the fragrance of the herbs decreases, put in fresh.


You can add various other ingredients soup, such as tofu, fresh mushrooms, cooked shrimp, snow peas,bean sprouts, cooked rice noodles, or paper-thin slices of fresh ginger.